Are you ready to vote at the NSW Local Government elections?
Saturday, 14 September, 2024
Join the conversation and learn how to make your vote count at the next NSW Local Government elections

Let’s Get Election Ready
Assistance and resources
Do you or someone you know need assistance with voting in the upcoming NSW Local Government Elections? Get in-language assistance here.
Voting options
Can’t vote on the day? Are there other options? Find out more.
Employment opportunities
Do you speak a second language? Why not work for the NSW Electoral Commission during the election?
Find out how to register
Get election ready
Learn more about your electorate and be prepared for the next election
Check your enrolment details
Check the latest details and information online
Community involvement
Why not host your own Vote Talk conversations with your community, participate in an interview and much more
Levels of government and responsibilities
Learn more about who is responsible for different items such as trains, roads, schools, police or local parks.
Want to help your community understand how to vote?
Vote talk is about to roll out its next phase of conversations about voting in Australia and we are welcoming onboard the Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Greek, Hindi, Nepali, Spanish and Vietnamese community.

What people are saying about Vote Talk
“Our community members can only embrace Australian democracy when they feel their voice is valued and their input required. Reactions of our participants convinced me that VoteTalk is not just a talk – it’s also a chance for civic education, social integration, and information equity. For our new citizens it’s saying “Welcome to Australia”.
VoteTalk participants surprised me with their attitude. Once they saw there is an official information source in their language, they were immediately emboldened with ideas of how and when they wish to vote. Not knowing how to vote and how to choose for themselves have constricted their voice in Australia.
“I thought I knew everything I needed to know about elections but I decided to do the interview and try the Vote Talk quiz. I was proven wrong. There was so much more to it, and I now understand exactly how the decisions made by different levels of government affect me and my family. Be part of the podcast. Its a great experience.”
“The vote talk program is very important for our audience, especially those who are voting for the first time, to understand the process in Australia and how to make their vote count and avoid any chance of their vote being lost or voided.”
“We are absolutely thrilled the Vote Talk program has been so warmly received by the community.
It’s an incredibly important program, and we have been very happy to support this at our libraries and to work with a brilliant organisation like yours to make it happen for our community.”