Contact ECCNSW on 02) 93190288 [email protected]

The NSW Local Government elections are on Saturday, 14 September 2024. Remember to check your enrolment details and to vote.

Voting is compulsory. If you can’t make it to a voting centre on election day, you may be eligible to vote early in-person at an early voting centre or vote by post.

Check out the ‘Find my electorate’ tool to find out where to vote. Type in your enrolled address in the search bar for information on early voting and election day voting centres, including location and opening hours.

Staff at early voting and election day voting centres are there to help you. Many voting centres are also staffed by bilingual election officials. These officials will be wearing stickers with the language(s) they speak.

You can take a friend, family member or support worker with you if you need help to vote, or you can ask an election official.

Access information in 26 community languages and Auslan about how to vote at the 2024 Local Government elections.